The media in the last four years has devolved into a succession of moral manias. We are told the Most Important Thing Ever is happening for days or weeks at a time, until subjects are abruptly dropped and forgotten, but the tone of warlike emergency remains: from James Comey’s firing, to the deification of Robert Mueller, to the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, to the democracy-imperiling threat to intelligence whistleblowers,” all those interminable months of Ukrainegate hearings (while Covid–19 advanced), to fury at the death wish of lockdown violators, to the sudden reversal on that same issue, etc.

Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself

June 13, 2020

Previous:One more way, among countless other, that Donald Trump is “part of the problem”:
Next:There were no press calls for self-audits after those episodes, just as there won’t be a few weeks from now if Covid–19 cases spike, or a few months from now if Donald Trump wins re-election successfully painting the Democrats as supporters of violent protest who want to abolish police.