Nick Catoggio, on Trumpworld rallying around newly-indicted NYC Mayor Eric Adams:

The cultiest element of Trump’s very culty political movement is that it has its own internal morality that supersedes traditional morality. That’s why so many creeps, crooks, and kooks are drawn to it. Like any cult leader worth his salt, Trump offers acceptance and community to those who find such things hard to come by in respectable society.

MAGAs internal morality is based on two principles. First, Trump’s needs trump all other interests, political, moral, or legal, without exception. Second, one’s moral worth is measured by how antagonistic one is toward the enemy. No one who hates the right people can be truly bad,” no matter how badly they’ve behaved in conventional moral terms.

You see, Eric Adams is not happy with all the immigrants in New York City. The enemy of my enemy is my friend — conditionally, of course.

September 28, 2024

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